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AugenZentrum Kaisermühlen is a private ophthalmology practice, which means that we do not have a contract with any national health insurance provider.


It is important to note that all of our services will be charged directly to you. We strive to maintain transparency of our fees and will discuss any additional costs with you in advance. A list of our fees will be provided to you upon registration.


After your visit, you can submit the fee note to your national health insurance provider or private health insurance company for reimbursement. However, the amount that you receive back will depend on your insurance company's policies. Please be aware that your national health insurance will not reimburse you for any further costs if you have already received treatment from a community ophthalmologist in the same billing period. Visiting an eye outpatient department in the hospital will not affect your reimbursement.

You can pay the fee note by debit or Mastercard, or in cash at our practice.


If you require surgery, we will discuss the details with you and determine a price based on the complexity of the procedure.

Fee list

As a private medical practice, we will bill you directly for our fees. The following is an excerpt from our price list and should serve as a guide. Please note that the final amount to be paid may vary depending on the complexity of the service provided and will be discussed with you in advance.

Adults - routine examination

This examination is intended as a routine check-up for patients with little or no symptoms.​


  • Eye test and determine strength of glasses

  • Red-green eye test

  • Spatial Vision (Steropsis)

  • Basic orthoptic assessment

  • Eye pressure check

  • Examination of the eye's health on the slit lamp


If there is a medical necessity for further examinations, we will discuss this with you in advance.

Adults - routine examination + dilating eye drops

This form of check-up is particularly recommended for patients with:


  • diabetes

  • high blood pressure

  • known retinal problem (age-related macular degeneration, vein occlusion, etc.)

  • visual disturbances ( haze, distortions, dots, shadows, flashes)

  • cataracts

  • uveitis

Adults - preventive examination + dilating eye drops + diagnostic examination

This check-up is recommended for patients who need further clarification using diagnostic tests or in the course of therapy:


  • Clarification of retinal problems using OCT and OCT angiography (wet age-related macular degeneration, vein occlusion, diabetic macular oedema, etc.)

  • Clarification of the glaucoma

  • Optic nerve check by visual field examination (perimetry)

  • Corneal check using OCT / topography

  • Measurement of the eyes (biometrics)

Diagnostic examinations

  • OCT both eyes - the finest multi-layered images of different eye sections
    (either macula/retina, angiography, optic nerve, cornea or anterior segment): €100

  • Fundus photos of both eyes (color photos): €50

  • Biometry / Axial length measurement: €100

  • Visual field: €100

  • Lacrimal sac washout per side: €50


A repetition of an additional examination within 6 months will not be charged again.


Follow-up examination
from €100

Follow-up checks are shorter appointments, e.g. to examine the eyes after the therapy has started. If we need to repeat a diagnostic examination, this will not be charged again within 6 months.

Emergencies (acute appointments)
from €100

The examination effort in emergencies can vary and therefore also the amount to be paid.

Children under 2 years - plusOptiX + Orthoptik + Drops + Examination

Suitable as Mother-child passport examination 1. In this age group, the examination can still be very difficult. Please bring your child if you are concerned that it does not see well, is cross-eyed or the pupillary reflex appears whitish. Screening of the refraction using PlusoptiXxis will be carried out. 


Your child's attention is very much demanded. It can sometimes happen that the examination has to be divided into 2 days.

Children 2 to 9 years - eye test + orthoptics + instillation + skiascopy + examination

Suitable as Mother-child passport examination 2. An orthoptic exam is done to check eye movements, spatial vision, and vision. Squinting or poor eyesight should be recognized early.

The eyes are instilled in order to objectively determine your child's dioptres using a shadow test (retinoscopy). An anterior and posterior segment examination is then performed.


Your child's attention is very much demanded. It can sometimes happen that the examination has to be divided into 2 days.

Children / young people from 6 years
basic examination
eye test


The eye test is used to check the need for glasses or the strength of the last pair of glasses. Orthooptics, color vision and eye health are checked.


If there is a medical necessity for further examinations, we will discuss this with you in advance.

Children / teenagers from 10 years

The eye test is used to check the need for glasses or the strength of the last pair of glasses. Orthooptics, color vision and eye health are checked. If there is a medical necessity for further examinations, we will discuss this with you in advance.

Eyelid surgeries
(Oculoplastic surgery)

A large number of eyelid operations can be carried out as a daycase in our treatment room. I carry out more complex and larger interventions in the St. John of God Hospital Vienna.

For orientation:

  • Eyelid warts and styes: from €150

  • Xanthelasma: from €300

  • Blepharoplasty on both sides (upper eyelid lift): from €2200

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